In the last few months, Google now lets you know when your Google Authorship has been confirmed. They do this via an email with the subject Welcome to Google Authorship. It looks like this:
…Read more…Author Page Makeover – More Layout Options
With AuthorSure 0.8 there were a number of options to improve the appearance of the author page. Bigger and Brighter Social Media Icons You can the choose the size of Google+, Twitter, Facebook, Flickr, LinkedIn, Skype and YouTube icons as 16px, 24px or 32px. Show Icons On A Single Line You can choose not to…Read more…
Author Box Text Not Aligned With Image
[nonmember] If you decide to use the author box option, AuthorSure will create an author box with your image in it, with the text of your short short bio aligned to the left of the image. Here is an example of one such author box (as set up by Peter Abraham of Dynamic Net) but…Read more…
How Your Search Engine Results Could Look
If you implement Google’s authorship markup properly, you will begin the process of getting your content labelled as belonging to you. This helps Google differentiate between stuff you wrote and stuff that other people have copied or scraped from your site. Once your face (or logo, depending on how you set things up), starts to…Read more…